Real Crystal not Crystal Infused Skincare
What does this mean and what exactly is crystal infused?
Let’s start with the basic definition. Many crystal based websites will describe the process as when crystals are added water but this is not strictly true. Crystal infusion is actually when a crystal or crystals are placed in or in contact with a liquid normally water for a period of time and then removed.
The important part to remember here is removed. No physical part of the crystal remains in the water after the crystal is removed.
The idea behind crystal infused products is that the liquid absorbs the energy of the crystals and this is then transferred to you if you drink the water or wear the cosmetic product that contains the crystal infused water.
The process is somewhat similar to homeopathy except in homeopathy an amount of a substance is actually left in the water and then the water is diluted to such a high degree (beyond avogrado’s number for those of you with an interest in chemistry) that scientifically it is believed the substance no longer exists in the water.
Why to avoid crystal infused products:
Crystal-infused water is commonly advertised in the drinking water bottles industry. A small amount of crystal is attached inside the bottle and every time the bottle is refilled the water comes in contacted with the crystal and it is believed to be energised.
More recently we are seeing a trend towards this in the cosmetic industry. More and more serums, face oils and creams are being advertised as crystal infused. From a manufacturers point of view the benefits are obvious. They can use a trending term like jade crystal or amethyst in the name of the product so increasing sales.
Crystal infused means no actual crystals in the product
Best of all for them the crystal is never actually left in the product and the product does not specify the quantity of crystal used. In this way it costs them virtually nothing. One small square centimetre of a crystal could be added to a 1,000 litre vat then removed and added to the next one in perpetuity.
This not only means adding the crystal costs nothing it also allows them to use expensive crystals such as diamond and ruby as they only need a tiny amount of a low grade crystal to dip in the mixture then they can even resell the crystal afterwards if they choose.
The purpose of this blog is not to disparage crystal infusion or even give opinions about the process or whether water is actually energised by this quick passing contact. The purpose is to explain as a lot of you may not be familiar with the process and believe you are applying real crystals to your faces.
Genuine Crystal Skincare Products
In the hope of restoring real crystals to cosmetic and skin care products White Lotus have created the Activated Jade and Tourmaline Crystal Face serum. The serum very clearly states on the side the exact percentage of crystals contained in the serum.
Real crystals release natural far infrared rays
The serum contains a 1% w/w volume of each crystal ground to an extremely fine 10 micrometers. Grinding crystals this finely is difficult but this allows them to disperse naturally throughout the serum keeping the serum perfectly smooth.
Crystal Research in skincare:
This process is very ancient being used by both the ancient Egyptians and Chinese in their skincare products.
Recent research has shown that the exact crystal proportions and size used in the Activated Jade and Tourmaline Crystal Face serum can dramatically increase the absorption of natural far infrared rays from the atmosphere (1). These rays have known cosmetic benefits naturally increasing collagen and elastin production, decreasing fluid retention and improving wound healing (2,3,4).
Interestingly it has been found that when ground, the crystals actually attract far more energy than larger whole crystals making this the most effective way to benefit from the natural ability of crystals to attract energy from the atmospehere (5).
Tried crystal infused but not convinced or want to experience how effective real crystals can be when applied to the skin?
Follow the link below to purchase the Activated Jade and Tourmaline Crystal Face Serum.
Buy Now
- Yoo, B. H., et al. (2002). Investigation of jewelry powders radiating far-infrared rays and the biological effects on human skin. Cosmet Sci. May-Jun;53(3):175-84.
- Lee, J. H., Roh, M. R., Hoon, K. (2006). Effects of Infrared Radiation on Skin Photo-Aging and Pigmentation. Yonsei Med J. Aug;47(4):485-490.
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- O’Kane, S., Ferguson, M. W., (1997) Transforming growth factor βs and wound healing. Int J Biochem Cell Biol;29:63–78.
- Junping, M. et al. (2010). Effects of Particle Size on Far Infrared Emission Properties of Tourmaline Superfine Powders. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 10, Number 3.