What is Cosmetic Acupuncture Really?
Cosmetic acupuncture at its simplest level is the insertion of fine Japanese style acupuncture needles into the superficial tissues of the face to reduce the visible signs of aging.

It was widely researched in China during the 1970s and became popular in the west form the 1990s. It has attracted many celebrity endorsements worldwide including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow.
To some practitioners facial rejuvenation acupuncture training involves adopting a modern western approach. It is claimed that cosmetic acupuncture works by inducting collagen and that it can be performed separately of the original TCM diagnosis. This is a very medical approach to facial acupuncture and is flawed in its understanding.
Other forms of skin needling have been widely researched for their collagen induction potential. Derma rollers are a good example as they use 192 micro needles to penetrate the skin and create a whole new sheet of collagen. Rolling the 192 needles over an area of skin 15 times you create an average of 215 puncture wounds per square centimetre.
When a skin punch biopsy is performed we find that an average increase of 206% in collagen production. When using acupuncture we are unlikely to have more than two needles per square centimetre. This means that the quantity of collagen we can induct this way is tiny compared to modern beauty techniques. Of course the acupuncture needle is more targeted passing directly under a wrinkle, but there is still far less stimulation.
The second problem is that when needles of 1.5mm in length are studied the collagen induction only takes place to a depth of 0.6mm meaning that most of the time the acupuncture needle is operating below the depth to stimulate collagen production.
No cosmetic acupuncture does not principally work through collagen induction; this is only a small part of what it does. Cosmetic acupuncture in fact operates at a much deeper level. Understanding the science is necessary to better understand our treatments, but it is the traditional practices that will achieve fantastic cosmetic results.
Holistic Cosmetic Acupuncture Trailer from White Lotus
The White Lotus Cosmetic Acupuncture Training
Due to covid 19 these seminars are not presently being run in person. Please see the online training courses available below. The Online Training are recognised courses and carry CPE points
Holistic Microneedling Training Online
Jade Roller, Gua Sha and Cosmetic Cupping Training online
Holistic Cosmetic Acupuncture Training Online
Traditional Chinese Face Reading Training Online

Who is Your Cosmetic Acupuncture Trainer?
The White Lotus facial acupuncture training is conducted by Anthony Kingston. Anthony originally studied acupuncture for five years in Australia before traveling to China, Malaysia and Singapore and studying the best of cosmetic skin needling techniques available.
He is a joint founder of White Lotus Cosmetic Acupuncture the first specialist skin needling clinic in the Southern hemisphere. He has over 15 years of clinical experience with cosmetic acupuncture and has demonstrated his innovative acupuncture techniques on National television. He writes regularly for industry and general interest publications on facial rejuvenation acupuncture and other innovative cosmetic techniques of the Far East.
White Lotus Approach to Cosmetic Acupuncture
The White Lotus cosmetic acupuncture course can be conducted in person or as online training. White Lotus takes a very traditional approach to cosmetic acupuncture training. In the traditional understanding every wrinkle and blemish on the face was seen as a reflection of disorders in the organs. A particular line such as the naso-labial lines may indicate a disorder of the gall bladder or the large intestine. Needling and improving the line you can improve the functioning of the internal organ. Similarly by treating the underlying organ you can treat the line or particular blemish on the face.
It is only by adopting an integrated whole body approach to cosmetic acupuncture that we can achieve excellent results. Threading, acupuncture points and facial sculpting techniques all need to be used and understood, but only after we understand the pattern.

Will You Love the Cosmetic Acupuncture Course?
Please see the testimonial page of past attendees and decide for yourself.
The Top 10 things the Course Covers are:
- Traditional Chinese facial diagnosis
- Specialist Facial Acupuncture techniques
- The mechanism of action of cosmetic acupuncture both scientific and traditional
- Full treatment protocols to deal with the major facial issues
- Combining Acupuncture with the Jade roller and Jade Gua sha
- Topical application of Chinese herbs (where applicable)
- Treatment schedules and clinical integration
- Comparison of Cosmetic acupuncture with cosmetic industry techniques (you must know your industry!)
- Clinic marketing
- Access to ongoing expert support when and where you need it

Who can attend the White Lotus Facial Acupuncture Training?
Practitioners who are qualified to practice acupuncture or final year acupuncture students.
Key Acupuncture course information
Duration: two days on the weekend.
Cost: £595 save £50 when you book over a month in advance.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Training online available for only £150 including certification
Upcoming Cosmetic Acupuncture Training Dates
The Next Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Course will be:
In Person courses are currently cancelled due to the Covid emergency.
Please see our Cosmetic Acupuncture Training online
Phone discussions can also be arranged to discuss specific issues.
Useful Links
Contact Us
Online Dermaroller Training
Online Jade Roller, Gua Sha and Cosmetic Cupping Training
Cosmetic Acupuncture Training Online
Course Testimonials